Weather Report in Valdaora and South Tyrol in Italy

Weather forcast in South Tyrol

The weather on Thursday, 25.04.2024

Min.: 1°C
Max.: 14°C

An intermediate high will ensure more stable and sunny conditions.

Sunshine will predominate across the region. In the afternoon, some cumulus clouds will form over the mountains, but it will remain dry.

Temperatures will remain too cool for the time of year. In the afternoon highs between 10° and 18°.

The weather on Friday, 26.04.2024

Min.: 3°C
Max.: 13°C

The upper level flow will turn to southwest, bringing more humid air masses closer to the Alps.

Cloudy skies with some sunny spells. Some local showers can be possible during the day.

Maximum temperatures between 11° in Sterzing and 17° in the Bolzano basin.

The weather in the mountains on Thursday, 25.04.2024

An intermediate high will ensure more stable and sunny conditions.

Temperature at 2.000m: -2°C
Temperature at 3.000m: -10°C
0° at altitude: 1700m

The weather in the mountains on Friday, 26.04.2024

The upper level flow will turn to southwest, bringing more humid air masses closer to the Alps.

Temperature at 2.000m: -2°C
Temperature at 3.000m: -8°C
0° at altitude: 1800m

Weather forecast in South Tyrol

Saturday will continue with lots of clouds and only a short sunny spells. Sunday will begin mostly cloudy. during the day more sunshine. In the south, temperatures will rise above 20° again. On Monday widespread sunshine and it will be much warmer. Very sunny weather with spring-like temperatures also on Tuesday.


Min.: 1°C
Max.: 19°C


Min.: 2°C
Max.: 22°C


Min.: 2°C
Max.: 25°C


Min.: 2°C
Max.: 25°C

Map of South Tyrol on Thursday, 25.04.2024

Map of South Tyrol on Friday, 26.04.2024

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